
Our Journey with Golden Retrievers
In the summer of 2000, my daughter begged me to buy a pup. I told her that I would only say yes if we bought a Golden Retriever. I had seen these dogs and their love for everyone. I had seen their patience and tolerance with people, young and old. I had read "Watchers" by Dean Koontz three times and had fallen in love with one of its animal protagonists, an exceptionally intelligent Golden Retriever named "Einstein." We purchased our first Golden Retriever, Cassie, in October 2000.
After doing extensive research, we decided to breed Cassie when she was two years old. We have Dr. Richard Orzeck and his wife Theresa to thank for their advice and emergency assistance involving labor issues. He acquainted us with the genetic problems inherent to Goldens and taught us how to best screen our dogs to avoid some of the health issues common to the breed.
We enclosed two-and-a-half acres around our home and pond with fencing shortly after Cassie was successfully bred. Since I worked out of our home, I was able to supervise, train, and play with our expanding group slowly over the next few years. Hence, Famn Damily Farm was born.